About Me

Hi! My name is Alejandro Serna. I am a junior at NJIT majoring in Computer Science with a minor in Information Technology. I like challenges and enjoy overcoming them with a couple lines of code!



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ChatApp Example image 1
ChatApp Example image 2

ChatApp is a web application that allows you to chat live anywhere and at any time with a blend of PHP, SQL, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. All you need is internet connection!

Maze Finder

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Demonstrative gif for Maze Finder project

This recursive program in Java uses user input as arguments for the dimension of a maze and solves from user selected points with recursive backtracking and stacks in order to find the shortest possible path.

Knight's Tour

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Demonstrative gif for Knight's Tour project

This is a program that solves a Knight's Tour problem using recursive backtracking both in Java and C++

Recursive Descent Parser

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Demonstrative gif for Recursive Descent Parser project

This is a basic yet robust recursive descent parser implemented in both Java and C++ that handles arithmetic expressions, unary operations, and variable assignments.

Complex Numbers

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Sample image of Complex Numbers project

This is an application that solves arithmetic operations for complex numbers. The Python and C++ versions use operator overloading. Since operator overloading is not legal in java, the Java version uses method calls instead.

Basic Calculator

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This is a basic calculator application implemented in Java. It allows users to perform various mathematical operations and handles errors to provide a smoother experience.

Non-Profit Website

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I'm currently developing a website for The House of Faith Inc. This will be the organization's first ever website aiming to bring in more homeless clients to get housing.

More Coming Soon!


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  • Java Logo Java
  • C++ Logo C++
  • C Logo C
  • Python Logo Python
  • Bash Logo Bash


  • JavaScript Logo JavaScript
  • PHP Logo PHP
  • SQL Logo SQL

Web Dev

  • HTML Logo HTML
  • CSS Logo CSS

Database Management

  •  MongoDB Logo   MongoDB
  • phpMyAdmin Logo phpMyAdmin

Operating Systems

  •   Linux Logo Linux
  •  Windows Logo Windows
  •  MacOs Logo MacOs

Office and Productivity

  • Microsoft Office Logo  Microsoft Office
  • Google Logo Google Workspace


You can contact me through email, LinkedIn, or GitHub below. I'm constantly active and open to feedback :)

Random Programming Language Spotlight


Sample Code Snippet: