About Me
Check it out!PiTunes is a music player powered by Raspberry Pi and Raspotify, controlled through RFID tags. Using a Python script with Spotipy API calls, PiTunes lets you pause, skip, or play specific songs and albums with just a tap. Enjoy a personalized music experience where each tag brings up something new.
Recursive Descent Parser
Check it out!This is a basic yet robust recursive descent parser implemented in both Java and C++ that handles arithmetic expressions, unary operations, and variable assignments.
AI Car Detection
Check it out!This Python and OpenCV application processes video input to detect and track cars in real-time. Using a pre-trained Haar Cascade model, it draws bounding boxes around detected cars and displays a live amount of cars in the frame.
Check it out!ChatApp is a web application that allows you to chat live anywhere and at any time with a blend of PHP, SQL, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. All you need is internet connection!
Maze Finder
Check it out!This recursive program in Java uses user input as arguments for the dimension of a maze and solves from user selected points with recursive backtracking and stacks in order to find the shortest possible path.
Knight's Tour
Check it out!This is a program that solves a Knight's Tour problem using recursive backtracking both in Java and C++
Complex Numbers
Check it out!This is an application that solves arithmetic operations for complex numbers. The Python and C++ versions use operator overloading. Since operator overloading is not legal in java, the Java version uses method calls instead.
Non-Profit Website
Check it out!I'm currently developing a website for The House of Faith Inc. This will be the organization's first ever website aiming to bring in more homeless clients to get housing.
Small Bash Scripts
Check it out!This repository contains various bash scripts that I've made from coursework, but also some for fun during my free time!
More Coming Soon!
- Java
- C++
- C
- Python
- Bash
- JavaScript
Web Dev
Database Management
- MongoDB
- phpMyAdmin
Operating Systems
- Linux
- Windows
- MacOs
Office and Productivity
- Microsoft Office
- Google Workspace
You can contact me through email, LinkedIn, or GitHub below. I'm constantly active and open to feedback :)
Random Programming Language Spotlight
Sample Code Snippet: